General facts about panel and frame house market
- Most of USA, Germany, and Scandinavia population lives at panel and frame houses. 90% of the whole North America house market consists of the following houses, Scandinavia – 80%, UK – 48%. These numbers are constantly growing in other countries as well.
- This construction method is recognized as a clean, environment friendly, with low cost of construction.
- House manufactured in factory is a worldwide popular building technology. This industry branch in Europe began 50 years ago.
- Houses built in accordance with these technologies have especially high heat and energy saving characteristics.
Conventional frame house (or timber frame)
- Based around vertical structural members, usually called studs, which provide a stable frame to which interior and exterior wall coverings, are attached.
- Carpenters employ various forms of diagonal bracing to stabilize walls.
- Structure usually gains strength after outside wall is attached (usually OSB). Insulation materials (usually mineral wool) are placed inside formed wall.
- Interior wall covering (plasterboard or OSB) is ready to be attached.
Premanufactured frame house
- All framing construction stages needed for conventional frame house are carried out at a factory, so there is no vertical structure built on construction site.
- As a result, such prefabricated modular house is brought to construction site by panels, and installed within several days.
- Such mounted frame house is the same as usual frame house, just built in extremely short period.
Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) house
SIP panels are manufactured, brought to construction site and mounted similarly as premanufactured frame house construction.
However the panels themselves have fundamentally different manufacturing technologies.
- SIP is composite building material, consisting of an insulating layer of rigid polymer foam, or Neopor in our case, sandwiched between two layers of structural board (most common OSB).
- SIP house will have a tighter building envelope and the walls will have higher insulating properties comparing to the frame houses.
- SIP can be used for many different applications, such as exterior wall, roof, floor and foundation systems.
Struktūrinis Skydas ONO
- Struktūrinis skydas arba kitaip struktūrinė izoliacinė plokštė yra sudėtinis statybinės medžiagos komponentas, naudojamas sienų, perdangų, pertvarų, stogų formavimui, termoizaliacijai;
- Skydas sudaromas iš izoliacinio kieto polimero putų sluoksnio, įterpto tarp dviejų sluoksnių struktūrinės plokštės (dažniausiai OSB)
- Izoliacinis sluoksnis gali būti pagamintas iš polistireninio putplasčio (EPS) arba ekstruzinio polistireno (XPS)
What is SIP?
Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) is composite building material consisting of an insulating layer, sandwiched between two layers of structural board (most common OSB).
Structural insulated panels consist of three components:
- two facings (OSB)
- an inner core of insulating material
- the adhesive to bond the facings to the core
Inner core could be made of expanded polystyrene (EPS), extruded polystyrene (XPS), rigid polyurethane foam, or Neopor.
Bakūžė LT panels insulated using Neopor which is superior to its predecessor – conventional EPS, and has 20% better thermal insulation (ONO abbreviation: OSB-Neopor-OSB).
Comparing ONO and conventional frame house walls having the same width and the same price level – ONO will have approximately 20% better thermal insulation.
- SIP construction may outperform 4 times conventional stick framed construction in axial load strength;
- SIP panel can withstand up to 10 tons/m2 of vertical loads and up to 2 tons/m2 transverse load;
- Due to the standardized and all-in-one nature of SIPs constructing SIP panels will result in a tighter building envelope.
- All panels will have recessed area for their joinery;
- ONO uses bonded timber beam as a joint for panels which grants:
- huge extra stability to SIPs joinery and whole building enclosure;
- resistance to atmospheric fluctuations (There are many manufacturers using just simple timber or avoiding timber beam as joint at all).
Main building mounted at construction site within 8-12 days.
Choosing ONO SIP’s you choose ecological solution to preserve our nature.
- Short construction time allows saving on labor expenses;
- Easy construction eliminates necessity for heavy, complex foundation;
- Using ONO panels gives building great construction stability against atmospheric fluctuations which makes building very versatile in terms of external decoration – any material could be applied as exterior finish.
Over time mineral wool tends to fall through which leads to voids and loss of insulation and automatically thermal bridging therefore frame house reconstruction is necessity after 5-7 year. ONO panels using Neopor as insulation material eliminates this problem completely.
Low cost and Energy efficient houses are made from premanufactured Bakuze SIP panels ONO
(OSB-Neopor-OSB), which use Neopor foam for innovative house insulation.
Why we use this material?
The same result – thin walls.
In order to achieve desirable thermo insulating result, the walls of the customers house doesn’t has to be thick. Because of thermo insulation advantages, the walls are at least 20% thinner.
For us – it is easier to work with, for customer – high quality house. During manufacturing process, we use only high quality Neopor, manufactured from materials, imported exclusively from German company BASF.
Neopor is a long lasting, water, decay resistant material. It does note emits any gasses. Customer can be sure, that this material will never affect his health. Neopor was discovered at 1956 by BASF Company in Germany. First batch of this material was mounted in company’s staff’s houses. For more than 40 years company examined health of their stuff, and discovered no influence of Neopor on their health. Also, in year 2000, walls were opened and examined for structural Neopor changes. The test result was that Neopor almost didn’t change its volume, its integrity was slightly weakened, but it was still acceptable. Because of constant product development, Neopor on today’s market, is much higher quality product, than it was on 1956, so it will last for much longer.
Because we need a smaller amount to build a house, by using Neopor we also reduce manufacturing, transportation costs, and most important – CO emissions.
OSB – high quality wood substitute
Oriented strand board (OSB) or SmartPly – Designed from the demand to find good quality wood structural elements, while retaining all of the best timber qualities and improving resistance to bending, the influence of moisture and final product price. Those features mainly influence this product popularity across the world and global application in construction. 150 mm of raw material (95% wood, 5% wax and resin) after compression is converted to a 15 mm thick OSB board.
Final product has exceptional load-bearing, high strength and bending properties on whole board.
In house construction process we use glued timber beams. Why do we do it?
- Glued timber beam is 50-70% stronger than usual wood.
Resistance to moisture, chemical elements:
- Makes it possible to use this material in very moist or even in chemically unfriendly environment.
Stability, durability:
- Glued beam is much more resistant to the atmospheric influence. Dimensions stays constant during all seasons.
- Glued-laminated timber, with eliminated wood imperfections, can be used for house construction as well as for exterior or interior decoration.
- Material do not emit any harmful substances and is manufactured from renewing nature resources.
Every mains, Internet outlet, sink and etc., can be placed anywhere on the ONO panel.
How do we do it?
- If you have complete electrick design, at the factory, during panel manufacturing process, we prepare traces for cables;
If you want to make a final decision after all walls will be built, we can also make installation without a problem at tis stage;
- If You want to mount plasterboard on the frame, all wiring can be done between plasterboard and ONO panel;
- Inside the ONO panel goes very small amount of wiring, plumbing. Biggest part of it goes inside the floor, ceiling
We fully install, launch and regulate various types of heating.
- Solid fuel boiler
- Gas heating